Douglas Farrand
b. Nottinghamshire, UK. Now in Newark and Orange, NJ, by way of Cork, Singapore, WNY, and OH

I’m a composer and musician working in experimental music, popular education, and place-based organizing. 

I work with the University of Orange, a community organization and free people's urbanism school in Orange NJ, as a community organizer and co-director of the Music City program. From 2013-2019 I taught in and directed Sonic Explorations, a youth music education program in Orange’s east ward. 

I’m a founding member of LCollective, a Brooklyn-based experimental music collective with Teodora Stepancic, Assaf Gidron, and Jesse Greenberg, and have worked closely with percussionists Ryan Packard and Christian Smith, filmmakers Kelsey White and Madison Brookshire, flutist and composer Margaux Simmons, poet & composer Porter James, bassist Jeff Weston, cellist and composer Gabriela Areal and others.

Contact: dougfarrand [at] gmail [dot] com